Indiana Gourd Society
I need HELP!

I can not open some pages.

Are the pages you can not get listed as a "pdf"? If so, you may not have the latest version of that software. All those pages are tested with Adobe version 7 and higher. Click on the icon to download and install the Adobe reader:
Get Adobe Reader

I've been told there is something new on one of the pages, but I see the old page.

Web browsers store the webpage on your hard drive before they display it to you. This is done to speed the display process. If you don't see new information, simply click on the "refresh" button on your browser (typically it is a button that says "Refresh" or a button that has two little green arrows, one facing left, and one facing right. Clicking on this button will tell the browser to go to the web and get a fresh copy of the webpage. If that does not work, then your ISP may be using a Proxy Server. This is a network device that stores web pages for you, but doesn't go get a fresh copy from the main page server right away. In fact, we've seen some proxy servers take up to 18 hours to get a fresh copy. We're working on some techniques that will avoid that proxy server problem.

I can not see all the words on the left side of the screen in the table.

This website is best viewed at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. You need to change your display resolution. How to do that? It depends on which version of Windows you have, but generally, right-click on the main screen wallpaper, then left-click on "Properties". A window pops up, and you want to click on "Settings", then use the little drag-bar to slide left or right to 1024 x 768. Click "OK", and the screen will change. Follow the directions in the windows that appear.
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